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Whilst drinking or drugging yourself to oblivion, or binging on whatever your chosen numbing tool is, is there a tenuous link to some fantasy story?  

It may be an absolute shitstorm in front of you day after day, as you try to blot everything and everyone out, but you’ve always had that feeling, that you are special.  You’ve always felt deep down you were destined to do or be something.  Or you used to feel that way and you’ve forgotten.  Let me tell you a Truth.  YOU WERE NOT WRONG.  

You get pissed/high/fucked day after day not really knowing why any more – if you ever did.  You are completely lost in it.  You are ‘the bewildered one’.  

Meet me.  I was YOU. 

There are ONLY two things right now standing between you and your Inner freedom:

(1)  The first is your Powerlessness (you have temporarily given it away) to your drug of choice

(2) The second is the density of the PAST (from your actions and others actions unto you) that is clogging up your system right NOW.  This is influencing every single thought, feeling, interaction and choice you are making in this day.  This is what binds you in each moment to the LIE that you are Powerless, creating the need to numb out, seeking something external to fix you.  

You are actually more powerful that you can possibly imagine.  This is the journey from Powerlessness to FULL ACCESS TO YOUR INNER POWER.  

This is the Addicts journey.  The Addict IS the Alchemist.  

Meet me and find out what this is.  

This is THE NEW WAY to recover from Addiction AND the underlying patterns that cause relapse.  And it works.  

It doesn’t make any difference what you’ve done, what background/history/culture you come from, how low you’ve gone – there are no exceptions.  

Let me tell you one more time.  YOU WERE RIGHT.  YOU ARE SPECIAL. YOU MATTER.  You don’t need to take my word for it because underneath all that shit and chaos you actually know this.

Addiction is the terrain of Do or Die.

This is an invitation – press pause, I can share something with you that changes everything.