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I’ve always been obsessed with them since I was given mine over 3 years ago.  Something literally fired up inside me.  This was the small part of the Akashic Records that gave me information on my energetic design.  The simplest of information to absorb that fits on one or two sheets of A4 paper which I consider to be absolutely essential  for navigating this human experience right now.   With this information we access how we can create most easily and what circumstances will be most challenging for us.  

This wall of fear and discomfort I’m feeling….. how can I turn towards it and uncover it’s treasure and in doing so release it from my being?  This is connected with my energetic design – Truth and Communication.  So I’m afraid if I speak no-one will understand me, I will be punished.  What do I want to say that I’m afraid of?

I have access to way more creative energy and power than I am currently using.  All of us do.  We have lived in a system designed to shield us from the deepest truths of our Being.  

I want to talk about the fear I feel in my gut, in my throat.  It’s like a grip of terror that feels like a switch is ON for fight or flight.  It sits right in between my rib cage, solar plexus area and all over the front of my stomach.  It’s strange because it’s a really powerful physical and uncomfortable feeling and yet it’s at the same time extremely superficial, a surface thing. 

The issue I’m having currently is that the physical sensation is like a loud drumming that is being heard and felt by the mind and my thoughts are rapid scanning on repeat connecting the feeling with a suggested external threat. 

And yet there is no threat, none.  Literally just me sitting here writing, breathing in and out.  Periodically I can experience these separately – so be aware of a physical ‘tension’ lets say and have the awareness at the same time that the mind is simply deploying one department to assess security. 

This ‘department’ is the part of my mind that has run with free reign through my whole adult life up until the last couple of years. It’s only concern is survival.  This security mechanism will always be available to me but just now it’s trying it’s best to learn how to stand down.  It’s awaiting my instruction and I don’t quite know how to give it.  

The way I’m learning for the security department in me to relax and stand down appears to be by it being fully on, there is a very good reason for this, I’ll go into that in the next post tomorrow.  Right now ‘It’s screaming it’s a fucking emergency Sarah!! Tense that body/mind and prepare to die!!  And this right here is gold, it’s where it links with my energetic design from the Akashic Records.  This is where I get to move with the dynamic of internal versus external power. 

Enter my design, Truth and Communication… hello and thank you!! I can feel you working, I literally feel my body relaxing and something in my throat soften as I write.  An energetic flow is happening in and through me as I use my creative energy to move with the experience  and my mind/body system is harmonising itself with the actions that I am taking using the resources I have access to internally. 

My state of being has completely transformed, my stomach and core feel relaxed, I just did a huge yawn, I can feel a smile on my face and joy spreading through my cells down this pen onto the paper.  It’s that simple. 

How I take so long and such uncomfortable routes to learn how to create an integrated state of being that is absolutely not dependent on external events to regulate it’s own energetic structure astounds me sometimes and yet this is the journey.  To be at peace internally. 

So this action of writing for me is just one way I can move energy, I can talk, I can express through body language or sound, images, art etc.  I can use Truth and Communication in any way that suits the dynamic or energy around me – because we are not separate.  I ripple into that and that ripples into me, but I am the regulator of my own frequency – I have autonomy over this Being and my consciousness of that autonomy is an ever expanding spiral.  With love